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Parent teacher association

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Demian Rusakov
Demian Rusakov

Too Short Nationwide Independence Dayl

Fireworks on Independence Day have been identified as a nationwide but short-term source of particulate matter in the U.S. No study has specifically examined their impacts on ambient polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Based on data between 1990 and 2019 in the Air Quality System, we identified 76 unique events that had PAH measurements on both July 4th days and control days (within 15 days before and after July 4th). We compared concentrations and diagnostic ratios of 16 priority PAHs between event and control days using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and multivariable regressions. A local PAH monitoring campaign was conducted at eight sites in Memphis, Tennessee, to obtain a close observation of PAH changes. The national geometric mean (GM) concentrations of summed 16 PAHs (ΣPAHs) were similar between event and control days (48.1 ng/m3 vs. 52.8 ng/m3, p = 0.98). About a quarter of events had elevated PAH concentrations compared with control days. Higher diagnostic ratios were found on event days, suggesting more contributions from fireworks sources. PAHs on July 4th were unlikely to cause acute or chronic health effects. While the local monitoring showed a 15% increase of ΣPAHs on July 4th, the difference was not significant (p = 0.62). Elevated PAH concentrations occurred at sites near fireworks sources and without major traffics, but did not occur at those in remote areas or near major interstate highways. In conclusion, this study finds that Independence Day fireworks have negligible impacts on atmospheric PAHs at the national level, and are unlikely to pose significant health risks. The firework effect is localized within a limited geographic scale, suggesting potential needs for local monitoring and control programs.

Too Short Nationwide Independence Dayl

This year's celebrations might look and sound a bit different for many Americans, though. That's because there's a nationwide shortage of pyrotechnicians, otherwise known as the people who are qualified to safely coordinate and oversee fireworks shows.

Homestead Public Services (HPS) Sanitation, much like other waste collection utilities across the country, is currently dealing with a nationwide shortage of rolling plastic waste containers, commonly known as Supercans. This nationwide shortage has caused delays in providing new or replacement cans to HPS Sanitation customers.

Healthy People 1990 included the first set of ambitious, measurable 10-year objectives for improving health and well-being nationwide. It focused on decreasing deaths throughout the life span and on increasing independence among older adults.

Thursday, July 4 1946, was a cloudy, sunless day. It was the rainy season in the Philippines, but this did not dampen the excitement building up towards the Philippine independence ceremony. Religious services were held in the various churches of Manila and provincial capitals, cities, and towns. Guests began arriving at the venue shortly before 7:00 in the morning. Dignitaries arrived from 7:20; the crowd craned their necks to get a glimpse of Gen. MacArthur. A bugle sounded, and the audience rose to welcome President Roxas and his wife at 7:55. He was followed by Vice President Elpidio Quirino and finally High Commissioner McNutt, accompanied by their respective wives.

Independence Day, nationwide. This day of parades, picnics, and family reunions throughout the country celebrates Mexico's independence from Spain. At 11pm on September 15, the president of Mexico gives the famous independence grito (shout) from the National Palace in Mexico City, and local mayors do the same in every town and municipality all over Mexico. On September 16, every city and town conducts a parade in which both government and civilians display their pride in being Mexican. For these celebrations, all important government buildings are draped in the national colors -- red, green, and white -- and the towns blaze with decorative lights. September 15 and 16; September 16 is a national holiday.


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